Can you believe one year ago today we left for China to pick up Ella. We have been doing some reminiscing since Ella’s 4 year birthday is coming up and that very same day we signed the adoption papers in China. So as we reminisce we will be telling some stories of our china adventure as well as Ella’s first year with us.
Of course we were very excited but yet we remember back when we left our other kids here with the Grandma’s that we were also very sad to leave them.

Family picture before we left.
As I am typing here we would have been in the airplane 10 hours now and about 3 more hours to go.
At about 3:00 P.M. China time we landed in Beijing and was walking down the row of people in the concourse of the airport looking for the sign that had our names on it. But we didn’t see it. We must have missed it, so we looked again, and again, and again, but nothing. So we sat down to think about what we should do. Where is Joy our guide? Do we have a phone number to call? Is this really how our adventures in China is going to start out?
View from our hotel in Beijing.
So Jeff decided to walk down the concourse again. Maybe she was late getting here? Maybe she was stuck in traffic? Do they even have traffic here? (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha) Sorry I just had to laugh at that question. Compared to China our traffic is a walk in the park. Then Jeff see’s this little Chinese lady who looks like she is looking for some one. As her eye’s meet Jeff’s eye’s she quickly holds up the sign with our names on it. Her name is Joy and it was a joy to see her.

View from our hotel in Beijing.