Hello everyone. Just wanted to touch base and let you know that we are staying busy with all our "to do" lists. Jeff has his list, I have mine and we have our together list too. At the end of each day we sit down and check our lists and mark off what each of us have done. We could get a call any day now telling us that we are to be in China in days. So getting things done for the trip and around the house is huge.
A few weeks ago some close friends came over for a work day. We painted, sewed, and rearranged the girls bed rooms. What a blessing to check off some major items on the "to do" list.
Melissa and Heather primed my kitchen cabinets!!!
Michele helps with sewing curtains for new room!!!
Kat sewing away on curtains!!!
Thanks so much dear friends!!!!
How fun! You're getting so close, it's unbelievable. I'm so excited for you guys. :)