Monday, June 21, 2010

Well it's been a month now since we have brought Ella home.  We decided to just lay low and enjoy being a family for a while before we start blogging again.  I know that many of you have checked out our blog  here and have been disappointed because there was no update.  So here is our update that so many of you have requested.

The journey of adopting is never ending.  What I mean by that is that change is a big part, some on Ella and some on our part.  And I think that what we didn't realize is that most of the change is on our part.  Bringing home a 3 year old toddler means doing things again that we stopped doing 3 years ago with Gloria.  Learning things she knows how to do from living in the orphanage and things that we have to teach her.  There are a lot of things that she is well advance in and when she surprises us with those things we just look at each other and smile in awe.  But there also other things that she should know by now that we have to teach and reteach.  Living with older sisters is one of those things.  But also, the blessing of Laura and Gloria is that they are becoming little teachers as well, as you can see in the pictures below.

Then there are the things that we have forgotton about a 3 year old toddler.  These are the things we are dealing with every day, sharing, no touching, eating, no touching, potty training, and no touching and i'm sure that you can think of alot of other things.  We are just dealing with them as they come up.  We have to keep on reminding ourselves that she is only 3 and that it is pretty difficult getting a toddler right off the bat with no "baby warm up time" if you know what I mean.  But it has been enjoyable watching our three girls getting to know one another.  Thanks for the prayers and thanks for all the comments that people have made here, keep 'em coming.

 Ella's favorite thing to do outside.  (When it's not raining)

Laura and Gloria teaching Ella to color,  and to share the color pencils.

She loves to listen to the girls practice their piano and then it's Ella's turn. 

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