Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ella’s First’s

 July has been a very busy month for us, especially since it has not

003rained in a month.  Many of the  things we have done have been “firsts” for Ella.  It has been fun to watch her as she experiences these things for the first time.  Some of things she was a little apprehensive but has grown to love , like her car seat.  She cried the whole way home from the airport her first ride in the car seat.  But now she absolutely loves “Ella’s car seat”.
Many times God wants us to do things for the first time for Him and we kick and scream and want to do things that we are more comfortable doing.  But in the end God knows the future and He knows what’s best.  So as we do it God’s way we learn that God’s way is the best way because it’s the right way and we don’t have to be afraid.

“We never have to be afraid to do what is right.”
-Cousin Mordecai to Esther in Veggie Tales
ESTHER, the girl who became queen
Here are some first things that Ella has done.

First time in a life jacket.
Ella's first family canoe ride
First time to Northwest Trek.           

First time seeing a tiger at the zoo.

First time dressed up like a butterfly/fairy

Her first s'more.



  1. Love all these firsts! :-)
    So excited for you 5!

  2. Hey girl. I LOVE the post about her "firsts." TOO CUTE. And I have to agree. When we finally get on board & do things God's way - it is so much better. I just wish I wasn't so hard headed. ;0)
    I can't get over how much Ella has grown up. She is obviously well loved. I am guessing having 2 big sisters is a dream come true. I think there are days HG would love for her big brothers to be a little sweeter. LOL. The honeymoon is over & typical sibling rivalry has entered into our home. They can fight like cats & dogs in the house but love on each other like crazy in public. Go figure.
    Take care sweet friends.


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